This Table Shows Larry’S Bowling Scores

This table shows Larry’s bowling scores, providing a comprehensive overview of his performance on the lanes. The data presented here offers valuable insights into his bowling skills, progress, and areas for improvement.

This detailed analysis examines Larry’s highest and lowest scores, calculates his average score, and explores the distribution of his scores. Additionally, it compares his performance to other bowlers, if available, to provide a comprehensive assessment of his bowling abilities.

Larry’s Bowling Scores

This table shows larry's bowling scores

This article provides an analysis of Larry’s bowling scores, including high and low scores, average score, score distribution, improvement over time, and comparison to others.

Larry’s Bowling Scores

Name Date Score
Larry 2023-03-08 150
Larry 2023-03-15 180
Larry 2023-03-22 170
Larry 2023-03-29 160
Larry 2023-04-05 190

High and Low Scores

Larry’s highest bowling score is 190, achieved on 2023-04-05. His lowest bowling score is 150, achieved on 2023-03-08. The high score may be attributed to factors such as good form, concentration, and favorable lane conditions. The low score may be due to factors such as poor form, distractions, or unfavorable lane conditions.

Average Score, This table shows larry’s bowling scores

Larry’s average bowling score is 170. This is calculated by adding up all his scores and dividing by the number of games played (5): (150 + 180 + 170 + 160 + 190) / 5 = 170.

Score Distribution

The distribution of Larry’s bowling scores is approximately bell-shaped, with most scores falling in the middle range. There is a slight skew towards the higher scores, indicating that Larry is more likely to score above his average than below it.

Improvement Over Time

There is some evidence of improvement in Larry’s bowling scores over time. His first score is 150, while his last score is 190. This suggests that he is becoming more consistent and skilled at bowling.

Comparison to Others

Unfortunately, the article does not provide information about the bowling scores of other bowlers, so a comparison to others is not possible.

Essential Questionnaire: This Table Shows Larry’s Bowling Scores

What factors may have contributed to Larry’s highest and lowest bowling scores?

Various factors could influence Larry’s extreme scores, including lane conditions, ball selection, physical fitness, mental focus, and external distractions.

How is Larry’s average bowling score calculated?

Larry’s average bowling score is calculated by adding up all his scores and dividing the total by the number of games played.

What does the distribution of Larry’s bowling scores reveal about his performance?

The distribution of Larry’s bowling scores can provide insights into his consistency, variability, and potential for improvement.